#!C:/Perl/bin/perl -wT # # This is a DEBUG wrapper for a perl application. It's meant to be # called in place of [app].cgi or [app].pl and might be helpful if # you are installing or debugging the configuration of your script. # Especially in situations when you're not allowed to access the # webserver's error logfile it can be VERY useful ;). # # Usage: Simply put this script in the directory where the real # script is residing. Rename it then after the following scheme. # # [appname]_debug.[pl|cgi] # eg. Mighty_App.cgi --> Mighty_App_debug.cgi # PerlApp.pl --> PerlApp_debug.pl # # Don't forget to adapt the "Magic #!(Shebang) line" on # the beginning of this file to a path where the perl binary # is located. # eg. #!/usr/bin/perl -wT (*nix) # #!C:/Perl/bin/perl -wT (Win) ####################################################### # WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # ####################################################### # # You should turn off $DEBUG_MODE in this script # when the script is in production # because allowing crackers to see your error messages # can sometimes give them access to information # that would further allow compromise to your system. # Copyright (C) 1994 - 2001 eXtropia.com # further modifications 2003 edgar@soldin.de # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. my $DEBUG_MODE = 1; # Turn this OFF ($DEBUG_MODE = 0) in production. # We "eval" the entire code to catch errors my $script; my $dir; eval { # The following couple lines are based on # the mod_perl guide SUID section. # with some changes for NT compatibility... # # Do different things depending on our name my $name; if (not exists($ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME})){ $name = "c:/hallo/".$0;} else { $name = $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME};} $name =~ m|([^/\\]+)$|; if ($name =~ m/(.*[\/|\\])([\w.]+)_debug\.(pl|cgi)$/) { $dir = $1; $script = "$2\.$3"; } else { die ("The debugger script name: " . $name . " must be in the form of \"[app]_debug.[pl|cgi]\"\n"); } chdir $dir unless $dir eq ""; require "./$script"; }; # End of eval'ing code to catch errors # # DON'T LET THE FOLLOWING CODE SCARE YOU... # # It's just code to check the error and # print it out. You should not have to # ever change this. # if ($@ && $DEBUG_MODE) { # if there was an error print it out # # the following is based on code from Lincoln Stein's CGI::Carp # # It takes any error and prints out a friendly message to the user # browser # my $msg = $@; if ($msg =~ /Can.?t locate \.\/[\w-_]+\.pl in \@INC/i) { use Cwd; $msg = "The script: $script could not be found in the path. \n" . "The debug script thinks that the current" . " working directory is " . cwd() . "\n\n" . $msg; } $msg =~ s|&|&|g; $msg =~ s|>|>|g; $msg =~ s|<|<|g; $msg =~ s|\"|"|g; my($wm) = $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} ? qq[the webmaster ($ENV{SERVER_ADMIN})] : "this site's webmaster"; my ($outer_message) = <Software error:

$outer_message END ; if ($mod_perl && (my $r = Apache->request)) { # If bytes have already been sent, then # we print the message out directly. # Otherwise we make a custom error # handler to produce the doc for us. if ($r->bytes_sent) { $r->print($mess); $r->exit; } else { $r->status(500); $r->custom_response(500,$mess); } } else { print STDOUT $mess; } } elsif ($@) { # If not in $DEBUG_MODE rethrow error die ($@); } # # SOME EXTRA TECHNICAL NOTES FOR THOSE INTERESTED: # # This script was inspired from Matt Sergeant's # addition to the mod_perl guide where he # explained why catching $SIG{__DIE__} as # well as using CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser) # does not really work except in the simplest # of situations. # # Thus, we have switched to using this debug script # as a means to catching exceptions on the fly # and outputting them to the browser. # # The mod_perl guide can be found at # http://perl.apache.org/ # #