internship at EISA
category: internship
duration: 5 month, 1.Oct 2002 - 28.Feb 2003
employer:  Electoral Institute of Southern Africa(EISA), Johannesburg (South Africa),
contact: Heather Ford,

characteristics:  intern for the Digital Information Unit of EISA

EISA is a NGO(NonGovernmental Organisation) focussing on elections and democracy in the region. They have offices in the Atrium (see below) located in Auckland Park, Johannesburg. During my time there I worked a lot on the network and IT infrastructure, as both needed to be documented and maintained. Even this small network with 30 workstations (everything from Win95 to WinXP), 3 networked Printers, a linux box acting as central file-,mail-,proxyserver can trigger a lot of headache. Applications like Office and Outlook don't minimize the workload for a sysadmin. If you want to read more of the technical duties please read the systems administration page.

summary: Exchanging winter for summer was just one benefit of my staying in South Africa. Another was meaty nutrition with pap (milly meal-porridge made of maize meal). But the experience of a country with social levels reaching from first to third world, news paper articles about baby rapes and daily killings, 11 official languages, walls and electric fences around nearly every premise and lots of other impressions and friendships lead to just one conclusion. Go there and experience it for yourself!

The Atrium